Ennui-ing Enigma

Site is under construction. Please hold for maintenance.

For a site NOT coded by me, please visit my tumblr account here :)

Please visit my Math Corner

Or, if math is not your thing (or perhaps you are simply curious) here is a digital collection of my books

( ~ o`_'o)~---

Current Projects

Digital head shot drawing of a wizard. Green pointy, bent hat. Gray, splattered, scraggly beard. Yellow stars are scattered behind them. wink sparkle star glasses
aminta muscaria

To learn basic HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

I highly encourage anyone and everyone to give coding a go. I had never coded beyond those blocks like on Scratch, and even then I had never done anything with it, so if I can do it, you can at least give it a go!!! (thats if you want to and are interested/motivated. *to be read like those government ads, or at least like the ones we get here in aus, supported by the australian government canberra*)